You can opt-out from personalized advertisement experience, at any time by checking the Privacy Setting tab in any of our apps or under the privacy settings of your iOS or Android device.

Method 1 (depending on your local privacy laws) - App Settings:

1. Open app Settings
2. Select About/About Game
3. Select Privacy Setting
4. Select Advertising Preferences and disable Personalised Advertising and then click Save & Exit

Method 2 - Device Settings:

For iOS 14 and later:

1. Open device Settings
2. Select Privacy
3. Select Tracking and disable "Allow Apps to Request to Track"

For iOS 13 and older:

1. Open device Settings
2. Select Privacy
3. Select Advertising and enable "Limit Ad Tracking"

For Android:

1. Open device Settings
2. Select Google
3. Select Ads and enable "Opt out of Ads Personalization"